- Welcome back to Poker Night. That's Joe Stapleton, I'm Chris Hanson. Let's return to the action. Stapes, how long would it take you to grow a beard like Christiano has? - [Joe] Three, four days. Depends how hard I was concentrating.
- [Thomas] Do me a favor, stack the deck towards me. - [Chris] I don't think if I lived to be 100 I would get to have a beard like that. - I'm the only one you really know. - He's known me for longer than you. - [Chris] Matt Glantz, up to 150 with threes. - [Travell] You been playin' here, or y'all just really know each other? - Been playing here. - [Dealer] I just babysit him. - [Thomas] How do you all know each other? - Just from here. - [Thomas] Oh, from here? You started here at 18, too? - [Chris] Hanson calls, Anthony calls. - Oh, let's juice it up for you, Matty. - [Chris] So five players will see the flop together. - [Joe] And Bart Hanson flops bottom two pair, checks it mega moolah slot microgaming. - [Thomas] I've got two horses left in the tournament. - [Joe] And Richard Anthony's gonna think he has the best hand. Little does he know... - [Thomas] You know I'm a master at horses. - [Joe] You know all these people talking about horses? If they wanna win money they should try to bring people into the tournaments instead of horses. - [Chris] They don't even have thumbs. How are they supposed to look at the cards? - [Joe] They can't peel the cards, exactly. I like Bart's raise there a lot. Anthony's mostly going to have an ace here, and he's not likely to fold if he does. Like I said, top pair, not folding. - [Chris] The turn's a five. - [Joe] That is a really safe card for eight-ten. So Bart should be able to follow up that flop raise with a bet here very easily. Anthony's hand, fairly face up as an ace at this point. - How much you got? 5000 behind-ish. - A little under. - [Hanson] 47. - [Chris] 2100, the bet from Hanson. - [Joe] And from what I've seen of Anthony so far, he seems to be reluctant to fold. Either that or he just hates money. This is a pretty good run-out for Bart, he should be able to go for three full streets of value, raise, flop, bet, turn, bet, river, and he went a little bit less this time relative to the size of the pot. Gets called, really well played by Bart Hanson the whole way. - [Chris] I don't think there's maybe a dime more that he would've gotten out of that. - [Joe] He just played it perfectly, and my guess is that Richard Anthony is the most popular player at the table right now. - [Chris] This is usually where somebody will offer to buy him dinner if he wants to stay. - [Joe] (laughs) Do you need a hotel room? - [Chris] Bart Hanson this time with pocket queens. - [Thomas] Man, my man comin' after the Tmister, man. I gotta put a stop to this. - I raised your straddle last time. - (bleep)! - You folding? You wanna tell everyone else on the table? Or do you just wanna throw your cards in the middle already? - [Thomas] No, I'm a re-raise, I'm a re-raise. - [Chris] The actions on Alec Torelli he's been pretty quiet so far here on day two at Turning Stone. And apparently he was bored, because he's raising with three-four of hearts. - [Joe] Torelli is squeezing here, like a month-old tube of toothpaste and it's a good hand to do it with. If you get folds before the flop, very happy about that. If not, there's some pretty cool disguised hands you can make with suited connectors. And he's in position. - You start with nine or something? - I think I started with 10-11. This is 10, so I got 11 behind, so I started with 12. - [Joe] Alec Torelli definitely knows what he's doing. - [Chris] Everything we've seen from Alec on Poker Night in America has been just rock-solid poker. Winning in every session. - [Joe] And Bart's no slouch either, he's a really good cash game player, he's been teaching it for years. Pay attention to what he does if you want your cash game to improve. And he just calls with queens. I think it's because he knows Alec's pretty likely to be squeezing there, he doesn't want to chase him out of the pot. And Torelli does manage to flop a pair, but my guess is he's gonna rep this ace regardless. Bart's probably not folding for just one bet. The problem is that he knows whether he's up against an ace or not, he's gonna be facing more barrels. - [Chris] I also noticed that Shaun Deeb immediately to Bart Hanson's right, is paying very close attention to how he is playing. - [Joe] Two very good players, you'd behoove yourself to pay attention. - [Chris] And what a turn for Alec Torelli. - [Joe] Torelli went from bluffing to being able to value bet in the turn of one card. - [Chris] That is a nice gear to shift into, from hoping to knowing. - [Joe] Yeah. And that's a bad card for Bart because it's a diamond. Puts more wheel possibilities out there, but it looks like a bad card for him, which is good. And Bart's got no diamond, no straight draw, this is a big bet from Torelli. He's probably convinced himself at this point that Bart's got an ace and will call this big bet. And even if Bart calls here, I think there's very few rivers he'll call on. - [Chris] Well, Hanson's not done with this hand yet, he calls the 3200. Over 11K in the pot as we go to the river. - [Joe] That board doesn't get much worse for either hand. - All in. - [Chris] Hanson checks and Torelli is all in. - Hey, TK, are we gettin' pizza? - [Joe] Pizza dude! - I just want sausage on there or something. - [Joe] Order a Hawaiian and watch all these East-coasters' heads explode. Bart gets away from it, well done. - You got away with them there. - [Joe] I think Alec could have played the exact same way if he was bluffing. - [Alec] Nobody ever believes me. - I believe you. - [Joe] I would fold there every single time, but I would be wrong a lot. - Matt can confirm I believe you. - [Alec] Two believers. Three believers. He folded. - [Tom] How much is it? I'm not kidding. - I got like 20 grand. - [Tom] Seriously, how much is it? - Oh, this is going to be great (bleep) TV. Please record this. (exciting jazz music) - [Chris] Poker Night in America at Turning Stone Resort. He's Joe Stapleton and I'm Chris Hanson, and these are poker players. - [Joe] (laughs) Yes they are. Some of them at least. I'm not gonna say which ones aren't. Straddle's on Matt Glantz, putting in a 100 bucks blind. He'll be last to act pre-flop, and with Shaun Deeb raising, this is very likely to be a Glantz-Deeb battle. I love this online qualifier, it's like he was eating a jarful of honey and fell face-down in a barbershop. - [Chris] Well, Dominick actually does grow his hair out and then cuts it off for Locks of Love. He can't donate the beard hair, though. - [Joe] Thank God for that. - [Chris] I would actually be a recipient for that, I would take that donated beard hair, I can't grow one. - [Joe] Do you think he could donate the food from it? - What'd he start this hand with? - I think five. Maybe a little more. Fifty-five. - All in. - [Chris] Alright, as you suggested, a Glantz-Deeb all-in battle is brewing. - [Thomas] I'm really rooting for Matt this hand. (laughing) - I can beat that. - Oh there's a queen dead, I'm against two queens, (bleep). (laughing) - [Thomas] Queen of heart, queen of heart! - [Joe] So Glantz out-flops Deeb. - How can you have two queens with a dead queen? - I didn't even know there was a dead queen. I didn't see that. - Really? - [McKeehen] Yeah Travell exposed one under the gun. - I didn't see it. - [Joe] I'm not a fan of all these Freddy Mercury jokes, the man was an icon. - I know he's got queens. - [Joe] The jack is not good enough on the end. - You have queens, you win. - I don't have queens. - Then you have a flush. - I don't have queens, I swear. - You have a flush then. - No, I do not have a flush. Torelli, do I have a flush? (laughing) - Tommy do I have a flush? - I don't have a flush. - I just have a jack. - Okay. (laughing) - You're probably gonna win. (laughing) - I got it in good for once! (laughing) - Misterize. - You got in with a dead queen, that is so bad! (laughing) - [Joe] Hey guys, can we just go back for a second? Because the online qualifier totally got denied a fist-bump, twice. Check this out: high-fives all around. Oh! Denied! Twice! Oh man! Whatcha want, Grizzly Adams? You know Glantz totally did that on purpose. He was like, "Not you." - [Chris] He's that kind of guy. (laughing) - [Joe] Look, a social experiment, I bet if he didn't have that beard he would've got the fist-bump. - [Chris] Glantz got this started with ace-queen, he made it 400, Joe McKeehen called, Richard Anthony called. Three players are going to the flop. And McKeehen pulls ahead, making a pair of kings. - [Joe] Glantz is going to continue. Perfect spot to just call. McKeehen probably loving this spot with top pair. - Can you add onion rings, fried goat cheese and meatloaf? - [Joe] On pizza? Oh what a time to be alive! - [Chris] What kind of an order was that? - [Joe] By the way, Matt Glantz just very quietly turned the nuts, so when I said McKeehen's probably loving this spot, now, not so much. Still don't think he can fold top pair. Oh man, what a great card for McKeehen on the river. That's gonna save him some money. I think if Glantz even reduces his bet sizing McKeehen can't really call anymore. - Show a bluff. - Ace high is good. (laughs) - I guess the other card's a queen, huh? Good suck out on the turn, buddy. - How bad is that river? - Not good for you. - Obviously. Such a piece of (bleep) river. - [Chris] It is amazing how these players can pick up on every single hand that the others are playing, it's amazing. - You got me to fold a hand, congratulations. - [Chris] Just when you think that you've got the game figured out, watch this, and then think "Yeah, there's another level to get to." - [Joe] I mean, I've got the game figured out, but that's with hole cards. - Stupid not to sell 2-3 percent, you know? - [Joe] Actually, even then I'm probably not so good. So it looks like we might see Christiano finally play a hand, he's got ace-king under the gun. - Especially because first place has so much extra value... (table chatter) - [Chris] 225 is the raise. - [Torelli] I would give someone second place money to take first, almost. What are you losing, like 2 million? - You make way more than that in sponsorship down the road. And, like, notoriety. You want to be able to play for first even more, then. - Yeah, but Joe doesn't want a headache.
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